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Pdf manuel des travaux pratiques word 2016 bureautique. Microsoft official academic course microsoft word 2016. Cours complet en pdf en word et excel, resolu comment. Des cours gratuits en pdf pour word, excel, powerpoint et access. Cours bardon microsoft office word 2010 cours gratuit, clair, complet, telechargeable au format pdf. Starting word 2016 microsoft word is a word processing tool for creating different types of documents that are used in work and school environments. The appearance of microsoft word 2016 is similar to word 2010 and word 20, but with more enhanced features. Telechargez ce document intitule introduction word 2016 et ameliorez votre competence dans le bureautique. Apr 10, 2015 tutoriel formation microsoft word office. Telecharger et lire des cours, exercices et formation word en pdf. Cours bardon word, excel, access, powerpoint pdf gratuit.

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